Saturday, August 16, 2008

Today I got a letter stating that Jayme's Wisconsin Medicaid has kicked in effective Aug 1. That means that I can start setting up the appointments that she needs before she can get on the list and we can get the ball rolling on all the other testing that will need to be done. Hooray!!!

Otherwise, things are going well. She is feeling very tired, but in good spirits. They have a pericentisis lab here at the hospital and she was able to go in the other day and get 6 liters of acities drained off. It only took an hour or so, which is great because she said that in CO it would take all day.

She has been reading a lot and catching up with her phone calls. Any good book recomendations? She is almost done with the Eragon books. Maybe we will try Harry Potter next.

Keep her in your prayers!

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