Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Still in the hospital... Feeling better each day. The social workers here are great. They are trying to clear up the Medicaid mess for this month, which is nice, because that means I don't have to:). We'll see how that works out. The transplant team has been working with Jayme. The psychiatrist has been doing some psych testing and the social worker interviewed me and Jayme to check out her support system and make sure that she would do ok with the liver. Who knew there was so much into just getting a new liver? Her Medicaid will kick in for sure Sep 1 and the transplant social worker said that with how sick she is, they should be able to get Jayme on the list within a couple weeks of the Medicaid kicking in. So, as long as all the evaluations and medical tests work out, she should be on the list by the middle of September! They just performed their 27th liver transplant of the year, so that averages out to be about 3 a month. It varies of course, but I would say that the odds are fairly good. Without being overly optimistic, I think that as long as Jayme hangs on long enough there may be a new liver in store for her.
Carter would be excited. He is always telling her that he is going to get her a new liver. It's really cute. He prays for her disease to go away all the time. He and Grandma have really hit it off. He will just hop up on the bed and chat with her about anything and everything. It works out though; she's a captive audience and he keeps her company. I think it's good for both of them.

1 comment:

Sharlin said...

Ian, A.J., Logan, and Phelan pray for Grandma Jayme too. Ian said one night before bed that Grandma is supposed to get a new liver because she has missionary work to do. What great faith.